Serial sequential adder  v.1.0
Example documentation project, author Vladimir Petrović
Serial sequential adder project documentation

Component overview

The fsm_adder is a sequential component that can serially add two binary numbers of any length. It has two input shift registers of width defined in generic reg_width and one output shift register of width reg_width+1 since the addition result is one bit longer than the addends. The interface description is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. A block symbol of the fsm_adder component

The component can work in two modes:

  1. Input numbers are loaded using the parallel load of two shift registers and output is stored in output shift register: When the signal par_add is equal to 1, fsm_adder should read the data from parallel input a_p and b_p and store the values to the input shift registers. In that case, addition starts immediatelly and after the output shift register is full, the result can be read from the sum_p parallel output. The fsm_adder generates a logical 1 at the out_valid output whenever the output value is valid.
  2. Input numbers are loaded serially via the a_s and b_s serial inputs, bit by bit at every rising edge of clk when the serial_active signal is equal to 1. After certain delay, output starts to show at the serial output sum_s. When the serial_active signal falls to 0, output can be generated but the data is no longer valid (out_valid is set to 0).

Protocol description

The timing diagram of serial addition of two 4 bit numbers in mode 1 (parallel load) is shown in Fig.2. After the paralel load of input numbers, the fsm_adder needs 4+1=5 clk periods to calculate the result. When the sum is ready it is valid at the sum_p output and fsm_adder generates the logical 1 at out_valid output.

Fig. 2. Timing diagram of serial addition in mode 1

The timing diagram of serial addition of two 6 bit numbers (a = 100101, b = 011110) in mode 2 (serial load) is shown in Fig.3. Firstly, the serial_active signal is set to 1. fsm_adder needs one clk cycle to start sampling the serial inputs a_s and b_s. After 1+4+5=9 clk cycles from the moment when serial_active was first set to 1, first bit of the result can be sampled form sum_s output. out_valid is active as long as the output sum bits are valid. In this example, the output is 7-bit long number 1000011, or in decimal representation: a+b=37+30=67. When the sum is ready it is valid at the sum_p output and fsm_adder generates the logical 1 at out_valid output.

Fig. 3. Timing diagram of serial addition in mode 2

About this documentation

This project is done for the need of the Technical documentation course at the Department of Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering. Some code needs more comments and/or doxygen oriented comments for better documentation output.
Here we should describe the structure of the documentation, but it is 2:33 AM and we move the description to the TODO list. :)

  • Describe the structure of the documentation for readers to easily browse through it.

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