Početna strana |
Predavanja |
Projekti |
Obaveštenja |
Korisni linkovi |
Predavanja |
Internet of Things 1. Architectures, Protocols, and Applications 2. Internet of Things A Survey 3. Introduction to the Internet of Things
Communications 2. Network communications - End to End transport 3. Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication
Middleware 1. Introduction 3. Agent based middleware infrastructure
Cloud computing 1. Heterogeneity in Mobile Cloud Computing 2. Service level agriment as a service
Fog/edge computing 1. Fog computing - Reference guide
Service-oriented architecture 1. IBM_Patterns_service-oriented_architecture_and_web 2. Connectivity abstraction in SOA
Context-aware systems 1. Application context definitions and categorization 2. Time-Aware Applications, Computers, and Systems
Elektrotehnički fakultet u Beogradu, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73, 11 000 Beograd Republika Srbija |
Kontakt: |
Prof. dr Ivan Popović Kabinet 20, u paviljonu Konsultacije: zakazivanje mail-om E-mail: popovici@el.etf.rs